Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Fahrenhype 9/11 vs. Fahrenheit 9/11

When watching these films, I only harbor more anger towards Michael Moore and the fiasco he started with all of it. With that being said, when writing my paper I tried to remain neutral.

If you have not seen Fahrenhype 9/11, it is a retaliation attempt towards Moore's film. People from Moore's film are reinterviewed, many claiming they were falsing represented through editing techniques of Moore.

The main focus here for me was for me to show an example of just how powerful media is in the world. Moore's movie stired up so much controversy by taking stabs at government leaders and allegedly using editing skills to put his own spin on the movie. I feel it is sad that what seems to be such a strong country can be torn apart so quickly with the help of such films as these, while I do feel that FahrenHYPE 9/11 was a legitimate attempt at trying to save some face for US citizens, though not nearly as well produced as Moore's film.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Cannibal Tours

I was not able to present on Wed. but I studied Cannibal Tours for my paper. The film was over the interraction between western tourists and native people in New Guinea.

The majority of the film was very frustrating for me. The tourists would speak of how these people needed help with the way they lived their live. Very primitive, but at the same time the tourists would low ball and haggle prices for homemade goods that the natives were selling. The tourists would also stop these people in the middle of their choirs or everyday activities and would have them pose as the toursists took pictures. I really thought the tourists were treating them as objects.

Overall I thought the film was very eye opening to the way many westerners may view these people, but very frustrating.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

African Documentary

In response to our question about what makes an African Documentary, it's difficult to pin down any definite answers. I do believe that, the production process of the film is not nearly important as the content of the film. Yes, there will always be a bias by the person or persons making the film, but if the content is an examination of African culture then I would have to consider it an African Documentary. If for example, a film crew from japan was to set up in a villiage in Africa, to bring back some footage of the culture and to analyze it for documentary and educational purposes in Japan. This would probably have a bias behind it, but even still, it would still be an African Documentary because of content. I do believe however, it could be tagged as "A Japanese View of Africa." I think viewing it in that manner is perfectly fine.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

From an old blog

I just wanted to share something I wrote in another blog last year after (Feb 07) the Super Bowl. Please don't think I was in anyway insulting the two coaches, I just thought that we were actually treating them unfairly because they were two African American coaches in the Super Bowl. That seemed to be all the media could focus on, rather than the apparent fact that they were two great coaches.

here it is:

I dislike the fact that we have to bring race and religion into every aspect of our culture. I respect every form of religion anyone may choose for themselves... isn't that enough? Or can we not just recognize two great coaches for.. being great coaches not "Christian African American" football coaches. I mean I think it's a great thing, but I also think that when we do that, it continues to set people back in tihs country. In case you haven't figured out I'm talking about the Super Bowl last night. I followed both teams the majority of this year and enjoyed watching them play football. I never once looked at the tv and associated Tony Dungy with a classifaction of religion or race off hand, not anything I was thiking about anyway. I looked at him and saw a great football coach and from what I could gather, a very good man... why does anything else matter? The past week in the media when I thought I would hear about all the attributes these two teams would be bringing to the table. I was mistaken. Are we not seperating African Americans even more when we make a media fiasco out of the two Super Bowl coaches being African American?... And as far as the religion aspect of it all goes... would the topic had been brought up if it were two atheists? two buddhists? two scientologists?... of course not, that would've been swept right under the table not to be heard of. To me they were just people... with incredible talents that lead two incredible football teams. I suppose I just don't really see what anything else had to do with it.


Tuesday, January 22, 2008

First day of class..

I felt that the first day of class was very enlightening. Professor Wachanga is one I think will be very informative as the course goes on. Its nice to be instructed by someone with a very different cultural background and I look forward to hearing the things he has to say. I also look forward to the study of documentaries and how they can be represented in positive and negative ways.
